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Blüthner (Blüthner) piano was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1853 and has a history of more than 160 years. In World War II, Germany Bolansile piano German government was identified as a German national treasure (source cited in "The Piano book", Author: Larry Fine [US]), Bolansile Germany is also the only existing founding family still Managed international top luxury brand.
On November 18, 1853, Julius Blüthner, who has many years of experience in piano production, started the legend of Blüthner's piano dynasty for more than 160 years with the phrase "May God be favored".
On July 1, 1892, Max Bolansler joined the company management and inherited his father's position, mainly responsible for technical supervision in the production process. The responsibility for managing production and global sales gradually fell on Max and his brothers Robert and Bruno. As Julius Bolansler expected, future generations inherited his ingenuity, and constantly mastered new knowledge and opened up new markets. The members of the family work together, work together, and follow the trend of development. After hard work, Bolansler became the world's largest piano manufacturer in the early 20th century.
The fourth and fifth generation of business managers in the family
In 1966, Ingbert Bluthner-Haessler (Ingbert Bluthner-Haessler), the son of Dr. Rudolf Bluthner-Haessler, who had studied in England for many years, inherited his father's business and took over the company. Through the hard work of Inber-Bransler, Bransler Pianos has always insisted on manufacturing the highest quality pianos in the world. The changes in the national system and the market for more than 40 years cannot shake Bransler's piano in the world's top professional pianos. Position in the manufacturing field. After Bransler built a new factory in Stormthal near Leipzig in 1994-1997, it was jointly managed by Inber Bransler and his two sons Christian Blüthner and Knut Blüthner in 1995. In the company, Dr. Bo Sijin is the current president of Bransler Corporation and also the current president of the German Piano Manufacturing Association.
In the list of Bransler’s clients, there are hundreds of kings including the 18th century German King William II, British Queen Victoria, Russian Tsar Nicholas II, Danish King, Turkish Sheriff, Saxon King, and Japanese Emperor. It also includes many of the most famous pianists and composers, such as Liszt, Debussy, Rubinstein, Rachmaninoff, etc., until now, in the German Blansler Piano Factory in Leipzig, Germany In the glass exhibition hall, you can still find the Bolansler pianos used by the masters, and their written messages.
In the list of Bransler’s clients, there are hundreds of kings including the 18th century German King William II, British Queen Victoria, Russian Tsar Nicholas II, Danish King, Turkish Sheriff, Saxon King, and Japanese Emperor. It also includes many of the most famous pianists and composers, such as Liszt, Debussy, Rubinstein, Rachmaninoff, etc., until now, in the German Blansler Piano Factory in Leipzig, Germany In the glass exhibition hall, you can still find the Bolansler pianos used by the masters, and their written messages.
Many world-renowned scholars and entrepreneurs, such as the British royal family Prince Hannover, Dubai oil tycoon, etc., are all customized customers of Blansler pianos. Mr. Zhou Guangren, the dean of the Chinese piano industry, and Mr. Hu Youyi, a famous piano collector, even regard Bolensler pianos as heirlooms...
To this day, the manufacturing masters of Blansler in Leipzig still use hand-crafted techniques handed down from generation to generation to make pianos. Each piano is carefully crafted, low-key and gorgeous. It takes nearly a year to build a Bolensler grand piano. The world is changing rapidly, and in the confidential workshop of Bolansler, the traditions of tradition and innovation, purity and precision are still there, as if time always stood still in Leipzig in 1853. This kind of spirit, under the unremitting efforts of the boring masters of Bolansler, will continue from generation to generation, spanning time and space, and achieving Bolansler's permanent legend.