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Boris Petrushansky • piano • International Piano Academy

Boris Petrushansky`s highly original creativity and vivacious personality have gained him wide recognition as a concert pianist. Born in 1949 in Moscow, he started playing piano at the age of five, supported by a strong musical family, and had among his teachers the eminent Heinrich Neuhaus. After studying with Lev Naumov, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1975, having already distinguished himself in major international competitions, for example at Leeds in 1969, Munich in 1971, and Terni in 1975, where he won first prize. Ever since the summer of 1975 when he gave two unforgettable recitals at the “Festival dei due Mondi” at Spoleto and the “Maggio Musicale Fiorentino” Festival (substituting Richter), Petrushansky has not looked back. His performances have taken him to Italy, Finland, Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Czechoslovakia, USA, Hungary, Japan, Israel, Egypt, Mexico, Taiwan and Australia. He has made various recordings with Melodia (Russia), Art & Electronics (Russia-U.S.A.), Symposium (U.K.), Fone, Agora and Dynamic (Italy).In 2006 Stradivarius (Italy) has produced the complete piano works by D.Schostakovich. The many orchestras that he has played with include: The Petersburg Filarmonic Orchestra, The State Symphony Orchestra of Russia, The Moscow Filarmonic, The Czech Philharmonic, The Berlin Staatskapelle, The Orchestra of the Academy of Santa Cecilia, The “Maggio Musicale Fiorentino” Festival Orchestra, The Helsinki Philharmonic, The Moscow Chamber Orchestra, European Community Chamber Orchestra, The “New European Strings”, The Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, etc. He has played with many renowned conductors, such as J.Ferencik, E.Bour, V.Fedoseev, E.-P.Salonen, V.Gergiev, A.Lazarev, P.Bellugi, M.Atzmon, D.Kitaenko, S.Sondezkis, R. Abbado, M.Shostakovich, V. Jurowsky, Lu Jia and P.Kogan. Among his partners, to name but a few, have numbered the legendary Leonid Kogan, Igor Oistrach, Misha Maisky, Dmitri Sitkovetskiy, Valeriy Afanassiev, Borodin Quartet etc. Boris Petrushansky is a member of jury of many international competition such as “F.Busoni”  (Bolzano), “D. B. Viotti” (Vercelli), “A.Casagrande” (Terni) etc. In addition to his concert life, Boris Petrushansky is active in teaching field: from 1975 to 1979 he was teaching in Moscow Conservatory and now regularly gives Master classes in the Royal Academy of Dublin, the Purcell School of London, Rowan University (New Jersey), Van Cliburn Institute of TCU (Texas), Summer Academy of Verbier (Switzerland) and in many cities of Italy and Japan. In June 2014 Boris Petrushansky was awarded the title of Academic by the “Accademia delle Muse” in Florence, Italy. He is now resident in Italy and since 1990 has held a position at the Academia Pianistica “Incontri col Maestro” in Imola.

Course Details

Course Dates
October 9th, 2021 – October 15th, 2021

Course Fee
649 EUR

BLACKMORE'S – Berlins Musikzimmer

Warmbrunner Str. 52
Berlin14193 |  Germany


Course services

– Min. 4 individual lessons
– Public performances 
– Closing concert
– Career counseling
– Concert engagements in Berlin for the best participants


BLACKMORE'S – Berlins Musikzimmer
Warmbrunner Str. 52
14193 Berlin | Germany


Please include with your application:
– a completed application form
– a copy of your passport or ID
– a C.V. with a photo
– a list of desired pieces

Course fees

Masterclass Boris Petrushansky:
4 lessons – 649 €
5 lessons – 799 €
6 lessons – 949 €

Passive listener (entire course): 200 €
Day pass: 50 €
With the binding registration, the entire course fee will be charged.


The closest hotels for the affordable price are:

Amadeus Hotel Central
Sens City Hotel Albergo

Hotel Villa Konstanz

Hotel St.-Michaels-Heim

Performance with an orchestra

All participants in Berlin now have the option to perform with a chamber orchestra for the additional price of 490 € - 20 min., 700 € - 30 min. (this price includes professional multi-angle video recording of your performance with 3 cameras).

Please send your application by e-mail:

or to the following address:
Blackmore International Music Academy
Warmbrunner Str. 52
14193 Berlin | Germany
Tel. +49 30 89 73 48 65 (Voicemail)