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1897 companies curent name:
"Mendelssohn Piano Works", Pittsburg
1897 address: Mendelssohn Park, 20Miles outside the City.
1897 partnership with Mendelssohn in Toronto
1897 made upright pianos.
1897 same adress as: Barckhoff Organ Works(Barckhoff Organ Co.)
1897 factory burnt down.
1900 not anymore verifiable in:Pittsburg PA
1906 not anymore verifiable in: Pittsburg PA
1930 companies curent name:
"Mendelssohn Pianos"
1930 address: McKeesport, PA
1930 fusion with: Aeolian-American Corp.
1930 brand name of "Winter & Co.",New York, NY
1930 numbers produced:98.000
Mendelssohn Pianos
1960-1981 made by Aeolian-American Corp.,New York,NY
1981 numbers produced:449.700
Mendelssohn Pianos
1998 brand name of "Pianocenter Kleinhenz", Bad Kissingen
2000 starting production in Shanghai2009 companies curent name:
"Mendelssohn Piano GmbH"
2009 emigration to Boizenburg
2010 partnership with Strohmenger in London
2014 successor of J. F. Piano, Augsburger Str.72,Weissenburg
2015,01.May fusion with:Niendorf Flugel-u.Klavierfabrik GmbH
2015,01.May emigration to Luckenwalde
Schieferling 1a,14943 luckenwalde Germany